Macfarlanes PMS Selection

Below is another example of one of our core products, PMS selection

Lights-On Consulting worked with London law firm Macfarlanes to steer the firm through the selection of a new Practice Management System (PMS). Whilst the process started in normal times, we soon had to switch to remote methods during lock down to a successful conclusion.

Lights-On Consulting was delighted to be invited to manage the selection process for Macfarlanes’ new PMS following the end of life product announcement from its incumbent supplier. The process has now successfully concluded and a new supplier appointed.

As with all the product and service selections we carry out for our clients, we conducted a rigorous, tried and trusted process that involved an in-depth assessment of the client’s current position and its needs and goals. This was achieved by interviewing sponsors and stakeholders to identify the strategic goals and interviewing a cross representative sample of users within Macfarlanes to ascertain the current issues and needs of the business at an operational level.

This information, once collated and refined, comprised the basis of the tender document set that was issued to several PMS providers in the legal IT industry following introductory meetings and high level demonstrations.

 “We are delighted to have completed the selection phase and moved on to implementation” 

Andrew Powell, Director of IT and CIO at Macfarlanes LLP

We facilitated a memorable face-to-face meeting in Macfarlanes’ London office on the day lockdown was announced.  Macfarlanes had a resilient home working policy prior to the instruction from the Government for all non-essential workers to work from home and so it was well placed to work remotely.  Lights-On has been working “virtually” since it started in 2005 so switching to familiar collaboration technology was swift and painless.

With an effective blend of Teams and Zoom meetings, remote presentations, emails, document exchange and phone calls the process continued without pause and at pace to a successful conclusion.

Whilst the initial step of this process was very similar to Lights-On’s other procurement projects and we always have internal resilience for our processes, we were not expecting a world-wide pandemic.  Lights-On Consulting would like to celebrate the tenacity of all parties involved in this selection process and we are looking forward to helping Macfarlanes implement the chosen solution. The project management has already started remotely!

Whilst the tendering and selection process could switch to remote means using technology, there is one thing could not fully be emulated and is still waiting: we look forward to that celebratory drink and social with the team in person, when the government allows (possibly without their cats, dogs and occasional appearances from spouses and children!)

“A practice management system selection is a significant piece of work, and I was concerned that the timetable would slip as a result of lockdown. In fact, we only lost around three weeks, and that was largely due to evolving Government guidance in the early stages. Lights-On changed day-long meetings to shorter sessions by Zoom or Teams. With hindsight, I think the process probably benefited from this change and we are delighted to have completed the selection phase and moved on to implementation.

Andrew Powell, Director of IT and CIO, Macfarlanes

“It was great to be able to work with Macfarlanes’ team to select a new PMS. From the outset they ensured the selection project was fully resourced with senior backing from the top and were prepared to put in the effort to work the detail to get the selection right. A really great team effort!

Lights-On Consulting