Mills & Reeve PMS Selection and Tender

Below is an example of one of our more recent tendering projects.

Mills & Reeve had used Lights-On a number of times in the past and was aware of our reputation for getting the job done so the firm approached Lights-On to help with its practice management system replacement project.

Mills & Reeve was using Tikit’s Firmware PMS and had used the product successfully for over 20 years. Whilst a good and solid product, it was no longer being developed by Tikit and the firm needed to move on to another, more modern system to support the growing business demands and increased needs for efficiency.

During the many years of use, Mills & Reeve had carried out a lot of enhancement and development work around Firmware to deliver to the needs of the partners and staff in the firm and also to its clients. There were many integrations to the system and customisations of the system so it was a complex project. Mills & Reeve turned to Lights-On to bring an external, independent view and expertise, combined with application development experience in order to provide clarity on a strategic direction and manage the tender process for them.

The joint team was quickly formed and Lights-On went about its due diligence and requirements gathering. We provided a framework for documenting the customisations and ran workshops aimed at bringing the firm’s knowledge  up to date with modern practice management systems and associated applications.

After a thorough education and evaluation process, Lights-On then managed the selection project using its well proven tendering and selection methodology. By the end, Mills & Reeve was very clear on its strategy, knew what it needed, had adopted the policies in relation to systems development and was able to select the appropriate PMS system and partner.

“Lights-on’s deep sector knowledge and excellent support was invaluable in selecting our new Practice Management System.  We really could not have done it without them.

Mark Finch, Director of Finance

“Good people who are great to work with and really know their stuff. As a novice to a project of this nature they brought me up to speed quickly and helped the team drill down into what really mattered

Duncan Astill, Partner Sponsor