
Stephen Brown


Stephen is an IT Consultant at Lights-On Consulting and works with clients on solving complex IT and Management challenges.

Having spent a large part of his career in senior IT positions, Stephen has a deep understanding of how to help clients get the most out of their investment in IT  and ensuring delivery from the IT function.

Since joining Lights-On Consulting, Stephen has supported a broad spread of legal and professional services firms with IT consultancy, Strategic IT reviews, IT Leadership, tenders, procurement, programme and project management and more besides.

Stephen is a regular speaker at industry events as well as facilitating and speaking at law firm partner away days. He has also written many thought leadership articles for the legal technology press, managing partner journals and our own website.

Prior to joining Lights-On Consulting, Stephen worked on both sides of the fence, as an IT Director for a regional law firm and as a consultant for a Practice Management Solutions company.

Key skills and expertise

  • Strategic IT reviews
  • IT Leadership Service
  • Managed service reviews, selections and optimisation
  • Cloud and outsourcing agreements
  • Solution procurement including Client Relationship Management and Unified Communications among many others
  • Project, Programme and Portfolio Management

Away from work, Stephen can be found cycling up large hills while contemplating why he did not take up a hobby like reading!

If you would like more information please get in touch or request a full bio.

Below are some of the main areas that Stephen works on